VOL 7 PAGE 106 CASTES & TRIBES OF SOUTH INDIA ORIGINS OF TIYAN SUNG BY PANANS (EXODUS AND RETURN OF THE CARPENTER CASTE ) വിശേഷ ദിവസങ്ങളിൽ വിശ്വകർമ്മജരുടെ വീടുകളിൽ പാണൻ പാടുന്ന പാട്ട്.. An interesting story, which is the legendary account of the exodus of the artisans from Malabar, and their return with the Tiyans, is narrated by the Panans. There were, in olden times, five recognised classes, which includes the Asaris (carpenters), Musaris (workers in bell-metal), Thattans (goldsmiths), and Perin-Kollans (blacksmiths). The fifth class is unknown. When an individual of the artisan classes dies, the Panan of the tara must bring a death gift to the house, which consists of cocoanuts and jak fruits or plantains. The Panan places the gift in the yard and repeats a long formula, which he has learnt by heart. It is very likely that he knows little or nothing of its meaning. But he reels it off, and at its conclusion the gifts are ac...